for a team that prides itself on delivering quality results
For a straight-up, no-nonsense approach to your drainage, effluent and landscaping needs and for a team that prides itself on delivering quality results, O’Hagan Contracting Ltd is for you.

O’Hagan Contracting Ltd have the machinery, skills, versatility and experience to help deal with all your Septic Tank and Drainage concerns.
Locally owned and operated, Shane and the team are PNCC Approved Installers, which means you can be sure your job will deliver top-quality outcomes with no fuss or hassle, leaving you to get on with the next phase.
O’Hagan Contracting Ltd work on a wide range of jobs both as sub- contractors for larger projects and on small jobs such as residential private houses and smaller sub-divisions. Call today to find out just how easy it is to deal with them and get the results you need!

Our Services
Septic Tank & Effluent Systems
Commercial and Domestic Drainage Installation
Service Connections – including Road Openings, Water and Sewage
Trenches for Power and Telephone Lines
Chain Trenching
Precision Laser Levelling
Foundation Work
General Excavation
Digger & Bobcat Hire
Other Services
- Tight Access Digger
- Wet Weather Access Machinery
- Drain Cleaning
- Water Tank Cleaning
- Water Filtration
- Pump Maintenance – Water & Waste Water
- Lawn Maintenance
- Mole Ploughing
- Turf Cutting
- Section Mowing
- Clay Compaction
- Top Soil Screening
Why Choose US
Satisfaction Guarantee
A One-Stop Shop
Free Consultation
Get A Free Consultation & Estimate
Call us on 06 329 2522 or 021 670 426 or fill in the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.